
Republicants are nothing more than an extension of the Demorats.

We Sit and do nothing, like an adorable pet.

This whole country has turned into the laughing stock of the world.

Republicants, not republicans. Why? Because they can’t. They can’t do anything right, and in secret, they meet with and agree with the Demorats. We need a totaly rehaul of the country. We are the ones that need to perform a reset. A reset back to what our country was founded on, and our constitution.

We put up with this shit. Those we elect to represent our views, are not representing what we want. They represent the government and each other. They get rich, fat, and irrelevant once they are elected. Thats if they were actually elected. I am beginning to have doubts about whether we elected them, or if they are all put into place. I don’t think the people in office were elected, they have sworn an oath to honor and uphold the Constitution and what do they do? The almost immediately violate their oath of office. They don’t honor and uphold our constitution, they seek to change and/or abolish the Constitution.

Trump is right, it’s Bullshit! Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit! What they have done and are doing to our truly elected President. We have just learned, from the Tucker Carlson interview with the Chief of DC Police, that Pelosi, Milley, and others denied requests to bring in the National Guard. Milley’s reason was “optics”? While the like of Ray Epps talking people into entering “The People’s House”? It was a provable insurrection by the Demorats, or at the very least a coup.

These are not elected by the We the People, they are implants, through stolen elections, and forced upon us, and we sit and do nothing.

And as always, while the January 6 Commission and paid for Judges prosecute the victims of January 6, we sit and do nothing.

We sit and do nothing….